Your questions answered

We've had a number of questions about the course so have tried to answer these below. If you have any other questions email us.


What's the course all about?

It's about money and pricing and finding and winning better clients and customers. Enabling you to earn more in less time. Also known as effortless business.

Who is Ben?

Ben is an entrepreneur, advisor, investor and teacher. Having created, run and sold businesses helping clients as diverse as Sony, Samsung, MTV, Virgin Atlantic, he now supports numerous founders, leaders and other pioneering folk.

Ben’s teaching fuses two pillars of his life; an interest in work and business and the lessons, principles of ancient and eastern wisdom. East meets west. Whether taking the lead from the Buddha’s teaching on prosperity or other teachings, Ben believes you’re sitting on huge well springs of creativity and ingenuity - and together we’ll unlock it.

One client said: "Ben's advice is based on first hand experience and will change the way you think about pricing forever".

I'm just starting out in business, is this for me?

Whilst the principles are important if you’re just starting out, most value will be for those with an existing product or service looking to improve, evolve or upscale.

I've been in business for years, is this for me?

Yes, see above. You’ll learn the tools and practises to shift your prices and so change how you and your customers feel about your work. Lovely.

My business sells services, not products, is this course still for me?

Sure. What you sell isn't important. The teachings can apply to any business.

Why should I take this course now?

This is not for everyone. Things feel increasingly challenging, more competitive right now. You have a choice.

You can discount to try and win more work. Or you can confidently, courageously strike out to protect and increase what you earn, positively impacting how you feel about your work and, critically, how your prospective customers feel too.

The question becomes – can you afford not to?

Why should I choose this course over other pricing courses

There are many great teachers, including Ron Baker, Tim Williams or Blair Enns. Blair actually case studied Ben in his book, Pricing Creativity.

And that’s the point; Ben’s teaching is based on his experience running a company and applying the principles. It’s practice first, theory second.

And with our support will lend a focus genuinely borne of desire to help you increase your impact. Along with other likeminded people that aren’t solely driven by money.

Can I access this from anywhere?

Yes. This course is 100% online.

Are there any pre-requisites for this course?

Curiosity, courage, commitment and a 'lets do’ this attitude.

When will I have access to the course?

The next cohort starts Autumn 2021.

What if I can’t make the live sessions?

Not a problem. You'll have direct access to Ben, the recordings, chat groups and workshop materials irrespective.

What if I have questions during the course?

'Ask Ben’ anything, anytime on WhatsApp. Together we’ll do it.

What if I buy this course and don’t see the value?

We'll give you your money back in 30 days without question.

Is this course mine for life?

Yes, a lifetime of access to the materials, workbooks and recordings.

Where do I enrol?

Pre-register here and we’ll be in touch in early 2021 with more info.

Anymore questions?

If you’ve still got a question for us then please fill in this form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.